Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tomatoes:How Early do you dare put them in the ground?

I took a chance and put out four tomato plants on the day before Good Friday April 9th. Now I will have to watch the weather forecast very carefully until early May. But maybe I will have some ripe maters by the 4th of July. Tell us when you plant your tomatoes and when you get the first ripe ones. Send proof to . Keith


  1. Keith, you are a risk taker! Go for it.
    I still have canned tomatoes I'm working through. My seedlings are about 4" tall in the greenhouse. We seem to be in a frost pocket here on Owsley Fork and I'm not taking any chances. :)

  2. Has anyone tried those Wall-o-water contraptions for tomatoes and peppers?

  3. I am growing my tomatoes from seed for the first time this year. They are still quite small. I plan to put them in the ground the first week of May if the weather looks good.

  4. I don't know aht the Wall -o0water contraptions are but I am interested enough to find out. Sounds interesting.

  5. I did some checking on the wall-o-water and it sounds promising. One site discussed making your own using 2 liter bottles. You need 7 bottles, tape 6 in a circle with one in the middle. Then remove the middle one so that you have a donut. Place this over the tomato plant and fill the bottles with water. The bottles will absorb heat during the day that is dispersed at night. Thanks for the idea, Donna. I plan to try it.

  6. You will have to report back to us, Becky. :)

  7. Okay Keith, how are your tomatoes doing? Looks like the weather has been in your favor. I put mine out last week -- fingers crossed.
    Becky, did you get your seedlings planted? Now that you have your greenhouse, no doubt you will fill it up in record time. If I could go back in time, I'd build a bigger greenhouse. :)

  8. Yes, my tomatoes are planted but the ones from seeds are quite small. I will have to start earlier. Keith told me about plants that already had tomatoes on them so I bought two.

  9. I have my first red tomato. Very early but exciting. Thanks to Keith for telling me about the plants with tomatoes.
