Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Early Harvests

I have already harvested one batch of spinach that I planted in the fall as an experiment. It stayed dormant most of the winter and then began growing in late February. My spinach has already been eaten in an omelette with gouda cheese from Zimmeramn's.


  1. NIce picture, Keith. Surprisingly that is almost identical to how my spinach looked. It was even in a white bowl.

  2. What type of Spinach? I have probably 3 kinds of seeds and I'm deciding what to plant in the fall for overwintering. I'm thinking maybe the Bloomsdale.

  3. I bought the seed at Ace Hardware in their canning jars. I am sorry but I did not look at the variety. I have been very happy with their seeds. They all tend to germinate. I bought some green pepper seeds this fall in a package and they have taken forever to sprout. Just today I saw some sprouts and it has been 4 weeks since planting. I am keeping Cheyenne's seedlings and her green peppers have yet to sprout but she planted later. I wonder if it is something about green peppers that I don't know.

  4. Green peppers are very particular about their temperature. They really like about 80 degrees constant bottom heat and moisture. I have a trouble getting them to sprout and it seems to take forever! Don't give up. :)
