Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sharing Time: Bok Choy,Swiss Chard, Spinach, etc

The vegetables are growing rapidly with the abundant rain and good care. Cait has been sharing greens, Swiss Chard, lettuce and spinanch with neighbors including Jean. Cait and Martin hosted a neighborhood pot luck supper next to their beautiful garden. After a good meal they distributed some of their extra squash and tomato plants. There should be plenty of squash out there.
A week or so later Keith rode his bike to Becky and Mark's garden to get a 3-4 day supply of spinach for Mary Kay. His spinach crop came in a bit later. June 2nd ..Becky invited us over to share some of her bountiful crop of Bok Choy. Jessie came dressed for the occasion in her ballerina outfit. Janet decided to wait for the next batch of Bok Choy. As I said before, "Good gardens make good neighbors" As you walk by our garden on Cherry Road check on the squash and tomatoes. We may have some extras. One of my tomatoes will definitely be ready by the fourth of July even if I need to find some red spray paint.

Keith getting a mess of fresh Spinach.

Jessie and Cait with a bunch of Bok Choy from Becky.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, Keith. I am going to let Cheyenne know she should check it out.
