Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Antonio,Brad and Becky go Picking Vegetables

Becky's grandson Antonio came all the way from Kansas to pick some fresh Kentucky beans, maters and his favorite... eggplant. Kids love eggplant. Click the slide show to see a movie and bigger photos.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jessie and the Giant Sunflowers

Jessie has been watching her giant sunflowers grow up to the sky. It looks like she would like to climb all the way to the top.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Squash Picking Season

So far Jessie has shown us how to harvest lettuce, water Zucchini and now she has been picking fresh squash. There are a lot of good looking vegetables growing on in the neighborhood. Maybe Jessie's mom Cait will give us some recipes so we all know what to do with the squash.

Becky's Red Tomato June 11th

Becky wrote to tell me that she has a red tomato and didn't even need any spraypaint. I was feeling like a big time gardener with my tomatoes ready to turn but they are certainly behind Becky's mater. My tomato is looking very good but it will be a few more days before it is red and ready to eat. We better ask Becky for some of her garden tips.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sharing Time: Bok Choy,Swiss Chard, Spinach, etc

The vegetables are growing rapidly with the abundant rain and good care. Cait has been sharing greens, Swiss Chard, lettuce and spinanch with neighbors including Jean. Cait and Martin hosted a neighborhood pot luck supper next to their beautiful garden. After a good meal they distributed some of their extra squash and tomato plants. There should be plenty of squash out there.
A week or so later Keith rode his bike to Becky and Mark's garden to get a 3-4 day supply of spinach for Mary Kay. His spinach crop came in a bit later. June 2nd ..Becky invited us over to share some of her bountiful crop of Bok Choy. Jessie came dressed for the occasion in her ballerina outfit. Janet decided to wait for the next batch of Bok Choy. As I said before, "Good gardens make good neighbors" As you walk by our garden on Cherry Road check on the squash and tomatoes. We may have some extras. One of my tomatoes will definitely be ready by the fourth of July even if I need to find some red spray paint.

Keith getting a mess of fresh Spinach.

Jessie and Cait with a bunch of Bok Choy from Becky.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Good Gardens = Good Neighbors

In the Mending Wall, the poet Robert Frost's neighbor says to him, "Good fences make good neighbors." I thought about that line and decided to try a new one. "Good gardens make good neighbors." Last summer Mary Kay kept on bringing home fresh vegetables shared by good neighbors. I sat in the house and once in a while ventured out to mow the lawn. This spring I decided to join in with the neighbors and raise some vegetables for ourselves. With a bountiful harvest we hope to also be sharing with our neighbors. Already this spring I have visited with more good neighbors than all the previous years combined. I have recorded movies of Cait and Jessie picking lettuce and Becky planting blueberries. I have offer of a trade of Bok Choy for Swiss Chard. Now if I only knew what Bok Choy is. People have told me to come and get volunteer Tommy Toe tomatoes and extra squash plants. The good neighbors are enthused about their yards filling up with vegetables. Yes, "good gardens are making good neighbors" and we are just getting started in late April.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Requests for Plants, seeds, gardening tips, extra plants

Looking for eggplant sets ready to plant .
Send info on plants to me and also send me requests and I will post them.
If you have extra of any plants let us know. I will post the information here.